Global Surgical Volunteers, Inc. is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501-(C)(3) tax exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Global Surgical Volunteers, Inc.'s Federal Identification Number (EIN) is 87-2728217
Where does your donation go?
When you donate to Global Surgical Volunteers, Inc., you can be assured that 100% of your donation is going directly to benefit those who need it the most. Below are the programs that you will be helping us fund!
Mobile Medical Clinics and Surgery Clinics

We organize mobile medical clinics in rural areas where there is the greatest need. We offer basic family medicine care as well as referral to a hospital in case of needs. We also organize surgical mission trips 3 time a year with several specialties that includes OB-GYN, General, Orthopedics and Neurological Surgeries.
Educational Programs
Adult literacy classes and other workshops. We educate young adults how to read as well as guiding them to pursue a high school or technical degree. The activities are performed by board members, volunteers or partners from the United States working in collaboration with local staff members and teachers in the Dominican Republic.
Most of the activities are conducted in villages and rural/urban areas surrounding the city of La Romana, D.R. Most of the planning and coordination are conducted in the city of La Romana, D.R. and some in the U.S.A.
Donation of Goods and Food Distribution Program:
Global Surgical Volunteers is deeply committed to helping provide the most important and basic human rights to the needy people in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and other parts of the world, through the distribution of food. We also identify and donate to families in need of basic and household items and/or necessary goods that will allow them to have a sustainable and more consistent way to support their own families. 

The community benefits from our services in many ways but most importantly, its basic human rights. Providing nutritional food to the neediest helps them to prevent and fight illness, give them energy, and specially help children to grow and learn more in school. In addition, feeding the needy reduces hunger and it's a public good that we offer which alleviate the burden of the Government.

Construction Projects program:
We build and help rebuild churches, schools, and homes to the neediest in rural/urban areas in the Dom. Rep. With the support and collaboration of missionary groups, churches and University students from the United State and some local charities.
Some of the planning, organizing, and fundraising are conducted in the U.S. while the administration of the programs and construction projects take place in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and other developing countries. There will be regular communication between the U.S. based organization and its board members, volunteers and staff members located abroad.
Building schools and other projects, impact the whole community by increasing the chances and opportunities to reach out and offer an education and different services for those in the community which will lead and prepare them for future jobs, different social and life skills. These services are at no cost to the qualified people we serve.